Advanced Tricks / Inverse Sonic Clip
Date: Sat, May 3 2008 03:38:49
yeah do they have such thing as an inverse sonic clip... if they do can someone show me what it looks like
also if u can find a tutorial that'll be much more appreciating
Date: Sat, May 3 2008 04:09:59
well yes there is such a thing, but i dont know where you can find a video and ive never seen someone do it straight on, middle of the pen, bend your middle finger back..
i do it by putting my middle finger to the side of my ring finger. some people call it cheating, but yea you do give up the ability to reverse pass it to 34 when u do it that way.
the other way of course is during an infinity or something, when u can hold the very end of the pen, so the length of the pen is sticking out the bottom of your hand -
Date: Sat, May 3 2008 04:48:24
I doubt this trick could exist, or be performed smoothly.
I really don't think that the finger held back would provide enough room for a smooth charge.
However, I could be proven wrong. -
Date: Sat, May 3 2008 04:50:53
Just shift the pen so that most of it is on the palm side of your hand.
Date: Sat, May 3 2008 05:19:14
Inverse Sonic 23-12[p][s 0.5] ~ {Inverse Charge 13} - [s 0.5][c]
Inverse Sonic 23-12[p][s 0.5] ~ Inverse Charge 13 - Inverse Sonic 23-12[s 0.5][c]
...damned digicam and crappy lighting. >_< -
Date: Sat, May 3 2008 05:30:37
I can do Inverse Sonic Clip Reverse 12-23 holding the pen just about in the middle. I find it is easier to do the Charge if you move your middle finger closer to your index finger and do the Charge "under" [If your hand is sideways] the middle finger. I filmed one a long time ago, I'll see if I can dig it up.
Date: Sat, May 3 2008 05:40:32
wow sketching... that was really smooth
and how long did that take?
Date: Sat, May 3 2008 06:00:16
I don't think it's very smooth at all.
It sadly took a few times to get full Inv Sonic Clip filmed, I don't any practice doing that hybrid.
@Flip: I'd definitely like to see your mentioned video. I get what you are talking about, but it seems like you would need to have the middle finger on the outside of the index to keep it out of the way.