Advanced Tricks / Taeryongs Cont. Fl. Fake Double Help.
im confused
Date: Wed, May 7 2008 02:02:32
Ok ive been looking at this video for quite a while, and im puzzled. Look at Taeryongs Fl. Fake doubles at the end of his combo and slow-mo it. Ive noticed that his thumb rarely moves and is quite a distance below his index (looking at it from above). Idk about other people but I have to raise my thumb and rotate it, therefore having it pass over my index, when i do this trick continuously. Im not seeing how the pen goes around his thumb if he barely moves it and it doesnt cross over his index. Maybe its just the angle of the camera, but also in the Winter Tourny vid, it seems like hes doing the same thing. Ive also thought maybe its just his hand movement thats getting the pen around but idk. So if someone could help me clarify this problem, that would be awesome.
Heres the DL link: -
Date: Wed, May 7 2008 02:11:16
Okay, essentially this is the difference.
Fake Double: Thumbaround Normal T2-T1 ~> Indexaround Normal [0.5] 12-12 -> Pass Reverse 12-T1
What you see in that video: Fingerless Thumbaround T2-T1 ~> Indexaround Normal [0.5] 12-12 -> Pass Reverse 12-T1
It could be a matter of practice, or simply using a heavier pen...
I just kinda did a few. Try going from normal fake doubles, then into fingerless ones.
The Pass Reverse should make that difference in thumb movement. -
Date: Wed, May 7 2008 04:06:38
Some things you have to notice:
1) Taeryong is chubby. The thickness of his fingers make it seem like there was no effort at all.
2) Every time he finishes the TA, his thumb moves slightly inward towards the index.
3) When he does the FL IA part, he twists his hand. Again, since his hand is thicker, it seems very effortless and there are no known marks where you can distinguish the twisting. When I do the same thing, my boney knuckles and skinny fingers make it very noticeable. -
Date: Wed, May 7 2008 23:12:32
lol, eso.
So if you're chubby, your spinning looks effortless? -
Date: Thu, May 8 2008 00:13:44
I think its true, just look at cloud traveler, he has chubby fingers too and has a similar style.
Date: Sat, May 10 2008 04:01:05
Alright thx guys, it was the whole pass rev 12-T1 that made the difference.