General Discussion / Time and place for penspinning?
where r u willing and not willing to ps
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 12:13:35
i was wondering is there a time and place for one to be practicing pen spinning. Take me for example, i basically carry my BICtory where ever i go (seeing how it doesn't fit in my pencil case) and sometimes when i'm taking the tram to swimming, i will take it out and start practicing fingerpass or whatever.
I just want to know where u guys do most of your practicing, where you think it would be acceptable taking out a pen and spinning it and where it would not be. eg the toilet -
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 12:24:54
i spin my pen..
front of TV, in skool boring subjects, when i'm reading, doing msn. Just anywhere i have enough space. -
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 12:25:36
Tha manipulator hator club. I just made that up but it would be quite inappropriate to start spinning there:D
Everyone spins in class and though teacher's don't think it is acceptable. They're wrong lol.
We keep all the stationary sellers from going out of business. Yeah, we can be handy at times. -
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 13:46:03
i hate spinning when i'm standing up and walking. if the pen drops, i have a hard time picking it up, especially is it's a crowded place.
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 14:11:55
I dont like to spin when im walking on crowded places and not in the bus. On the most other places i spin or make some flourishes.
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 14:12:52
I only spin when I'm sitting down. I'm usually sitting down when I'm at work, at home, or in the car. THAT'S IT. I don't spin in front of my co-workers.
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 14:25:15
I spin when I'm sitting so at home (in front of TV or computer, while reading, learning
) and in school ( I don't spin only on chemistry and history lessons coz teachers don,t like it
and in school I try to spin only Monami 153 MX retractable so it don't look as weird as some pens -
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 14:32:32
i try not to spin while walking/running/jogging/standing up. Usually, it's because i'm to lazy to bend over and pick up a pen after i've dropped it. Spinning while running/jogging just isn't a good idea.
if there's something important going on, i.e. someone is speaking, i try not to spin to be polite. -
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 17:08:36
Willing :
Where people don't ask me to spin, calm and relaxed places, everywhere i am when i have my mp3 player with me
Not Willing:
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 17:42:16
i spin, at home, in school, in the bus, .... everywhere, when i have to wait for somehing, etc. except there are people to talk with
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 17:53:26
You can virtually spin everywhere... BUT, damn, you wouldn't spin in a funeral. xD. It depends on the situation.
I usually spin at school, sitting down while listening to the Biology teacher (or any other teacher, but I mostly spin in her class because she makes everyone fall asleep). I spin in my bedroom, while surfing on the interwebz XD. -
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 18:07:13
I used to spin all the time and everywhere. Now I just spin at home, infront of the comupter.
But I still carry around a pen if I need to kill like 5 min. -
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 19:27:01
I spin at home, in the car (not driving), while doing hw. I don't spin in school, where I learn things, well not a lot
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 19:56:48
I just wont spin when some one is talking to me. Thats it.
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 22:16:15
My spinningpens never leave my apartment. Almost always spin when I'm at the computer.
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 22:21:49
Willing: College/home
Not willing: Bball court, while running/cycling, crowded places
I've also spun while out with my friends, but only a couple times (and now some of them can do tricks cos of that)
Date: Wed, Sep 12 2007 00:13:54
anywhere i feel comfortable with, and not bored
Date: Wed, Sep 12 2007 00:31:29
I usually spin during classes at school. It depends where you sitting, I can't spin when I'm sitting in the front row. Mostly, I spin at home.
Date: Wed, Sep 12 2007 00:42:07
I will spin anywhere and in any condition. except for super super super cold days. I prefer it to be around 72 F so my palms arent too sticky from the cold and arent too sweaty from the heat.
Date: Wed, Sep 12 2007 00:48:24
ide spin anywhere except when i stand up.
even in church.
whocares if its at an inapprporiate time.
after all, theres a reason why your pen spinning is more important at the time! -
Date: Wed, Sep 12 2007 00:50:55
whenever i feel like it?
i usually don't spin at school though, since they've got de-humidifiers and the ac turned way up, so my hands are constantly dry, making it harder to spin. -
Date: Wed, Sep 12 2007 02:19:44
With the exception of being in class, i dont spin in public. Usually at home/work or studying in the library.
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2007 21:25:37
If theres a pen in my hand, I spin it. If it drops I leave it there.
Date: Tue, Sep 18 2007 05:19:45
I spin in class only.
Date: Tue, Sep 18 2007 05:30:14
I used to spin everywhere I could but now I'm spinning only at home.
Date: Tue, Sep 18 2007 05:37:53
I spin during class, but try not to do anything crazy that might cause the pen to go flying. It's hard for me since I'm tempted to do aerials all the time.
Other than that; at home in front of the computer, when I go out with friends, and whenever I go to relatives' houses. Actually, I spin about anywhere I can, now I that I think about it.
...I even took some pens with me while I went camping. -
Date: Tue, Sep 18 2007 14:23:18
Well, i only bring my pens out when i got a bag or pencil case with me. Normally i spin at home, I don't spin in public because i'm not good enough. I seldom spin at relative's houses unless i stay there for a whole day and there is no one around me. Sometimes i spin in class when i have a pen in my hand(not any mod, just simple clip-off pen. I'm too lazy to keep open-close the bictory cap and afraid of losing it
) I try not to spin when i'm talking to somebody but occasionally i spin when i'm having chats with a group of friends who already knew me does pen spinning(when not my turn talking).
I think it is quite impolite to spin when talking with somebody or doing something important/formal. -
Date: Tue, Sep 18 2007 14:40:11
At school and at home, walking or sitting. I also spin while waiting for programs to boot up on my DS or computer.
I used to spin on the bus and at the office (while I was still working). -
Date: Wed, Sep 19 2007 00:47:58
I spin everywhere except on the bus, while walking in school, when having an important conversation, during important classes etc. Basically I spin when I can. The only problem is spinning when I'm in school because if it goes flying I'm screwed. I can't spin when my hands get clammy though, I prefer it to be pretty dry. Sometimes I will even wash my hands just because they are too moist for spinning.
Date: Mon, Sep 24 2007 04:43:47
I spin in front of my computer, in class, when I watch TV, in my bed sometime and even in the metro when there is only few person around...
Date: Tue, Oct 16 2007 18:53:02
I carry my pens everywhere even when i kno im not going to get a chance to spin lol i hate spinning standing up especially walking coz im paranoid about dropping it and i don't do it as well as i would sitting down
i do it a load in school - once my english teacher noticed me doing TA harmonic and was impressed then tried it himself , he did some weird 180 kinda thing(??) lol -
Date: Sat, Oct 20 2007 16:44:40QUOTEI only spin when I'm sitting down. I'm usually sitting down when I'm at work, at home, or in the car. THAT'S IT. I don't spin in front of my co-workers.
Ya pretty much the same thing here eso, except i still spin in front of co workers and schoolmate lol -
Date: Sun, Oct 21 2007 17:16:10
i spin during lectures, studying, browsing the web, watching tv...but not when my hands are freezing cuz they lose all coordination, and not walking, cuz if it drops u look rly stupid turing around and picking it up
Date: Tue, Oct 23 2007 13:58:53
I spin when I'm bored and a place where my penspinnin is not in danger
Date: Tue, Oct 23 2007 14:11:32
At certain times, like when I'm on the train on my way to school, I do not spin even though I would actually want to. Firstly it's crowded. There's a risk that I would drop my pen even onto someone else, which would be pretty... awkward. Secondly, even though I sometimes enjoy some attention, I do not like half the passengers of a train staring at me. At such times, I rather solve Rubik's Cube, with which people are familiar atleast.