Local Communities / Historians for Local Communities
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 18:24:36
We will need some volunteers who can help out on keeping records of events held in notable local communities. There is a reference here:
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 18:51:53
GPC - German Penspinning Community (getting on to Robert and NeXus about this)
FPSB - French Pen Spinning Board (Fratleym + trying to contact Radek (founder))
UCPSB V2 (closed)
UPSB - Universal Pen Spinning board v.2 (closed) Tohlz is handling this?
UPSB - Universal Pen Spinning Board v.3 (Old Forum, this one has taken over.) (closed)
Kit-Cat PenSpinning
PDS - Pendolsa
UKPS - United Korea PenSpin
JEB-JapEn Board
EuraPen (Fratleym may or may not write about this)
DPSB - Danish Pen Spinning Board
UCPSB - The Collective Pen Spinning Board
SweSpin (Yiep will likely write up on this in a few weeks)
FLPS - Foro Latino de Pen Spinning (zblader said this wasn't worth writing about - Inactive)
PPP - Portal Polskich PenSpinnerow
SuperHandz Pen-Spinning Forum
Russian Forums
I'll add in brackets the names of people who join this committee after the board they are from. Then we can see which ones have been done and which ones not. Ones I can see trouble with me getting info on are UPSB V2, Pentrix board, and the Asian forums other than Thaispinner... I'll PM Zombo the names of people who are writing about the history of their board. Each board can then have it's own sub-thread linked to this one. -
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 19:01:17
I think these can be taken out from the list. They are either non-notable, or not in the scope of Local communities. Those I'm uncertain of are indicated with '?'
UCPSB V2 (closed)
UPSB - Universal Pen Spinning board v.2 (closed)
UPSB - Universal Pen Spinning Board v.3 (Old Forum, this one has taken over.) (closed)
EuraPen ?
DPSB - Danish Pen Spinning Board ?
UCPSB - The Collective Pen Spinning Board
FLPS - Foro Latino de Pen Spinning?
PPP - Portal Polskich PenSpinnerow?
SuperHandz Pen-Spinning Forum
Russian Forums? -
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 19:26:44
I don't see why we should take any of these out. Would be good to start documenting the history of these from the start imo. We can prioritise and do the more major boards first, and leave smaller ones as lower priority, but I don't see why we should take any of these out.
DPSB is quite big actually. PPP is quite new, as is BPST. PSerhome i think is a Chinese community, seen a few guys join this board from it, Eurapen is now closed, but was around for a while, not sure about FLPS, will ask zblader. -
Date: Wed, Sep 12 2007 02:15:06
Foro Latino de Pen Spinning is still up, but hasn't had any real activity, besides spam bots, for months now.