General Discussion / How did you decide what to spin with?
Date: Tue, May 20 2008 01:14:18
Well I've noticed that as my spinning age progresses I see more and more in pens. I see so much so that I change the mod I spin damn near every week... How do people end up sticking with one single mod? I mean in just the past month I've gone from RSVP > Pencil > RSVP MX > Ballsign > MSXA > RSVP MX > F-3000. How do you guys decide. I can spin all these mods with just about all the same skill level with just a little bit of tweaking in style. I don't get it, how do people decide what mod fits them? I think I'm to liberal with my preferences, but I think I should have been able to pick one by now I mean its been almost 7 months.
Date: Tue, May 20 2008 05:32:05QUOTE (Duckrus @ May 19 2008, 05:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Well I've noticed that as my spinning age progresses I see more and more in pens. I see so much so that I change the mod I spin damn near every week... How do people end up sticking with one single mod? I mean in just the past month I've gone from RSVP > Pencil > RSVP MX > Ballsign > MSXA > RSVP MX > F-3000. How do you guys decide. I can spin all these mods with just about all the same skill level with just a little bit of tweaking in style. I don't get it, how do people decide what mod fits them? I think I'm to liberal with my preferences, but I think I should have been able to pick one by now I mean its been almost 7 months.
All I do is pick what type of tricks I'm into at that point and then I try to pick a pen that feels the best when I'm doing those tricks.Like for easy things and mindless spinning in school its either RSVP or RSVP MX. Ballsigns are super light and they don't really fit the way I like to spin. Really though just pick what feels good and if you jump around on pens then you jump around. It happens but at least you'll be well rounded. -
Date: Tue, May 20 2008 07:16:06
I spin what feels good to spin with. Doesn't matter if it's a KT or Tombow Swifter.
Date: Tue, May 20 2008 07:25:28
I guess if you don't mind taking shit from people, that is if you like heavy pens, then just spin with whatever you like.
I've never really decided on a singular mod, but I've pretty much always had a KT around.
I choose this because my difficulty and smoothness are like 10x higher than they are with any other pen, and as you can imagine this makes pen-spinning a lot more fun for me.
So I would say choose whatever pen you have the most fun with, because that is what pen spinning is all about
Most of the time when I'm spinning with other mods I can tell that my difficulty and smoothness is a lot lower and it is really frustrating to me, I find myself thinking "What the fuck?!?! I'm better than this aren't I?"
I don't think anyone should just stick with one mod all the time, it becomes boring.
Switching from mod to mod IMO is better, that is why I am always making KT type mods (well that, and I have waay to much fucking free time)
It doesn't really matter
The mod I'm spinning now is like worse than the old complainer XD XD XD -
Date: Tue, May 20 2008 07:28:34
I didnt want to spin a KT, I didn't want a hardcore light mod, and I didnt like MSXA. so, HCMX and then signo tipped comssa
Date: Tue, May 20 2008 08:08:25
just try many mods, untill you'll find the mod you feel most comfortable =]
right now I'm spinning my signo tipped MX, my comssa, and a self mod... I'll get my MSXA soon, and I guess I'll spin that one the most.
but the main idea is just trying as many mods until you'll find the best mod for you =] -
Date: Tue, May 20 2008 08:40:55
My senses tell me so...
Date: Tue, May 20 2008 12:12:09
I don't think anyone is spinning just one pen. That's why the 'show off your pens' thread has dozens per post. You're definitely not the only one. I even spin 2 different BICtories...
Date: Tue, May 20 2008 22:54:58
Lol, here I was thinking it was weird to be switching constantly. Idk I think I just got into my head that because most pro's only spin one mod (well it varies but they usually have the same type) in videos that, thats what they spin all the time. Thanks for all the nice feedback guys
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 03:19:16QUOTE (Seraph @ May 20 2008, 08:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I don't think anyone is spinning just one pen. That's why the 'show off your pens' thread has dozens per post. You're definitely not the only one. I even spin 2 different BICtories...
I don't remember mentioning about I spin only one mod.
I just feel that the mod that you choose is up to your personal preferences. As for me, I got a mod which I used quite often, you can call that my main mod. And I try to switch it around with other mods often. So that I can get used to different kind of weights and momentum.
But basically I don't spin those mods which have don't have a momentum to me. Example, comssas. Not saying that it sucks, it's just that I don't like the momentum. Afterall, it's all about personal preferences when comes to choosing of mods. -
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 03:43:03
I spin a variety of depends what style i'm working on....
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 21:33:11
i still haven't i like to try new mods
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 23:44:55
pencil, bictory, signo tipped g2 gripped mx, dr. st, clear body dr. st, comssa, dr. kt, tombow, mpfx, mx^2, GA, GJH
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 23:54:06
I chose an mx at first because I thought it looked nice.
Then, I spun a comssa because I liked how it felt and the spinning effect (also I preferred light mods at the time).
I then added tips to it.
I saw the msxa and thought it looked great so I made one. It was with a yellow cap and was ugly so I switched back to an mx for a bit.
I made an all black msxa and liked it; it spun very well. However because I had small hands it wasn't very appealing when I spun it. I decided on the MX because it spun good enough for me and looked better when spun than the msxa (at least for me).
I had the materials so I made an MX², about the same size as an mx and has more momentum (i use it now). -
Date: Wed, May 28 2008 03:04:03
Lol, I only got one pen so I don't have a choice but to go with my BICtory.
Although it would be nice to switch pens for whatever mood I'm in.. -
Date: Wed, May 28 2008 04:22:00
I switch between Metallic Comssa, Dr. KT, RSVP MX, and a Jap Pencil Mod. Goes from super light (Jap Pencil Mod) to heavy (Dr. KT). Just depends if I'm trying to get a trick or just freestyling...
Date: Wed, May 28 2008 04:51:49
After A LOT of experimenting, I found a few pen mods that feel good to me.
Date: Wed, May 28 2008 07:09:55
I spin with :
- Pencil : 'cause is very fine and ~2-3gr, it's a very good train :
- Bellcolor mod : 'cause it's my mod and I use that for improve the tricks I know
- Rushon : to mastered infinities ^^ -
Date: Wed, May 28 2008 10:12:50
i always spin a heavy mod such as kt and ayatori mod..
Date: Wed, May 28 2008 10:30:36
I only spin all white comssas. Because I have a thing for white.
Date: Wed, May 28 2008 12:42:00
I spin whatever is spinnable!
But when showcasing something or filming a video clip, I try to make it more aesthetic. Though it may not appeal to everyone. -
Date: Wed, May 28 2008 13:26:15
-first i see if i like how it looks--as a mod in general
-then i choose the colors that i like
-then i check the balance of it----and adjust it if needed (and at this point, i also try changing some tips/grips around until i get it so that it has enough momentum-----for ex. i like having a signo tip at the end of my msxa and 1 hgg tip in the back instead of 3 hgg tips and 1 hgg tip in the back)
-then i test it out by seeing how comfortable it is for me to do some of my favorite tricks and some othre common simple tricks
ex. (fav tricks: full tap reverse, weis backaround-----common simple tricks: bak, twisted sonic, ta harmonic)
and then i stick with it
i'll change to another mod from time to time cause sometimes i get bored with my msxa, but i primarily use my msxa for the most part -
Date: Wed, May 28 2008 17:49:21
made it, spun it, liked it
Date: Wed, May 28 2008 20:13:35QUOTE (minche @ May 28 2008, 10:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>made it, spun it, liked it
lol best answer yet xD. It's funny though after I made this thread I think I finally decided on my F-3000.
Date: Thu, May 29 2008 11:49:59QUOTE (Duckrus @ May 28 2008, 03:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>lol best answer yet xD. It's funny though after I made this thread I think I finally decided on my F-3000
Wow! F-3000!