General Discussion / Ever Lost A Pen That You Put Alotta Work Into?
post em here
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2007 23:30:48
Yesterday, I was throwing together ideas for a new mod...and I made one succesfully. The next day i take it to school and go eat breakfast... The girl i like hugged me while taking it out of my pocket at the same time. After realizing was too late. I put blood and sweat into making the pen. Literally. My hands are cut up from the barrel.
If you've got a story of a lost pen then post it here :] I'm sadill remake it and post the tutorial. LATER
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2007 23:34:46
if that chick stole your pen i would tell her to pay up beezy
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2007 23:36:28QUOTE (LittleRaisin @ Sep 14 2007, 06:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>if that chick stole your pen i would tell her to pay up beezy
Shes a bitch D: -
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2007 23:41:15
Ahaha, I'm sure that girl spins and will release a Tutorial on this pen soon
Date: Sat, Sep 15 2007 01:30:15
this guy in my class stole my pen so..
i went and punched him in the face..
nearly got suspened for that.. -
Date: Sat, Sep 15 2007 03:41:10QUOTE (White_Sheath @ Sep 15 2007, 07:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>The girl i like hugged me while taking it out of my pocket at the same time. A
You are a lucky guy.What did she do to the pen anyway?
I have been losing a lot of pens ever since I'm less active in pen spinning. A few RSVP MXs and Momentum MXs. Heh, thing is, to obtain RSVPs, I need to trade. -
Date: Sat, Sep 15 2007 03:56:13
WEll onetime someone stole my RSVP v1. Threatened him and got it back. Yesterday, left my RSVP v1 in a class, came back later and the pieces were spread across the room, the ink tube missing
Date: Sat, Sep 15 2007 05:49:29
Friend stole one of my pens so I threw my english book at him. I told him" you don't wanna know what will happen to you if you don't give that back within 5 seconds" lol. I tell everyone not to touch my pens. They all touch and take them apart, are they retarded or do they think it's rebellious to do something your asked not to do.
Anyway, my homeroom teacher saw me and she was like "Tim don't do that" and I told her that he stole my pen and then she goes"well did you ask him to give it back" and I said yes (partially true). I never got told off after that, and I got back my pen and english book back. I think I handled it well. -
Date: Sat, Sep 15 2007 23:35:29
I lost my ONLY pen. Then I went crazy and looked all over my school. I found it in the front. All broken and junk. D: The body was cracked. But thankfully the tip, cap and grips were fine
I just switched the body ^^ (yay)
Date: Sun, Sep 16 2007 00:46:25
No, because i keep all my "good" pens at home. Only pen i take to school are bictories since they're so cheap i dont care if they get stolen etc.
Date: Sun, Sep 16 2007 01:03:09
Mainly cause i don't care, Theres 2 UCPSB RSVP's, an MX and a Comssa in my school bag almost constantly, that i never use (Surprisingly the pen i use to write with is the Bic Crystal Gel they sent from >_> dunno why)
I've lost many an RSVP, to friends and whatever, just because they lost them after borrowing them and so on.
(And yeah, RSVP's arent sold in UK, so i consider buying RSVP's and having them shipped over as being "a lot of work") -
Date: Sun, Sep 16 2007 01:56:51
My girlfriend lost my first modded pen (a RSVP MX). :[
Date: Sun, Sep 16 2007 02:01:58
Wow, remind me to never touch any of your pens! you know who I'm talk to.
I've never lost anything big. I keep a close eye on all my pens. -
Date: Sun, Sep 16 2007 05:11:21
Oh yeah... a girl "stole" my favourite pen too! It was one of the few pen mods that I have, with self-made inserts, and it was my favourite pink&blue RSVP MX! Aw... but anyway it has been more than a year since the incident, and I've sort of gotten over it. (Coincidentally or not, I have been penspinning less since the incident.)
Date: Sun, Sep 16 2007 13:25:39
i lost one of the caps of my double sided texta mod. But i finished school early that day and i spent about 15 minutes afters school finding it..... and i did
lol i was so happy
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2007 04:05:50
I'm really good about keeping my stuff.. I've had a few people try to sneak RSVP's into their pockets though.
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2007 04:21:35
The only pens i ever lost wus wen i wus snowboarding and it fell out of my pocket =.=
it wus a fake mx and a bictory -
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2007 04:29:40QUOTE (P0T4T0 @ Sep 16 2007, 11:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>The only pens i ever lost wus wen i wus snowboarding and it fell out of my pocket =.=
it wus a fake mx and a bictory
Date: Sat, Aug 23 2008 09:44:14
i've only lost my first lakubo SG.....but it was modded a bit more
it had 2 plastic tips in its cap (i forgot from what pen) and a singo tip and a singo tip in front and some anyball grip
ooh i was really nice...i really wish i knew where it was.
and i'm not the type of person who loses stuff -
Date: Sun, Aug 24 2008 14:12:56
You guys should learn to never take your special mods out of the house.
I've never lost a pen that I spent a really long time working on, but I did almost lose a Moonz MX I really liked on a plane. My heart skipped a couple beats there. -
Date: Mon, Aug 25 2008 02:36:41
lost my mx
which sucks cuz i can't find HGGs around here anymore cuz the art store that sold them randomly closed. i went to sterling art which according to NR4U had HGGs, but that failed; all they had were HGRs so i made a momentum mx -
Date: Mon, Aug 25 2008 02:49:41
1) My second MX with subbed parts (my first one sucked and was ugly and I dismantled it) - it fell out of my pocket while I was on the minivan. It's old and has lots of cracks where stuff falls into. I couldn't find it after crawling on the ground for 5 min.
2) My third MX with subbed parts - didn't look too bad and spun better than my second MX - eaten by minivan. . . .
3) My fourth MX - first one with HGG parts (forgot colours). I dropped it in a school computer lab and a few days later found the cap somewhere.
4) My all black MX^2 (except the insert had a fade into green in the middle which I thought looked nice). It fell out of my pocket on the way out of a classroom and it was gone when I came back to get it (after realizing it was gone).
5) My all black Flex MX that I made right after getting a penwish order. Probably still somewhere in my house but I can't find it. Got so pissed off about this since it spun so well and I only had 1 metal tipped G3 (which I used for it). -
Date: Mon, Aug 25 2008 03:00:00 twin art mod...I took me lke one month to find the jap dr grip grip and at least two weeks to get my G2 ex.....and i lost it in a week!!!
Date: Fri, Aug 29 2008 12:40:45
I lost 1 of my most important pen. I searched my house for like 4 hours that day. Could'ny find the damn pen. Made another one similar to that and wasted a lot of cash. I hate when that happens(its happened twice already). I'll get furious if i find that pen lying around somewhere..
Date: Sat, Aug 30 2008 05:28:10QUOTE (K4S @ Sep 15 2007, 05:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>No, because i keep all my "good" pens at home. Only pen i take to school are bictories since they're so cheap i dont care if they get stolen etc.
I do the same thing. I can't keep unsharpened pencils in my backpack because their erasers will just shrivel away.
Bictories are surprisingly fun for thumbspins -
Date: Sat, Aug 30 2008 06:37:04
lost my first metallic comssa... love that pen like a brother.. not really, but it was my first so i was semi mad... because someone else had lost it..
Date: Sat, Aug 30 2008 08:02:58QUOTE (NaDa @ Aug 25 2008, 10:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>1) My second MX with subbed parts (my first one sucked and was ugly and I dismantled it) - it fell out of my pocket while I was on the minivan. It's old and has lots of cracks where stuff falls into. I couldn't find it after crawling on the ground for 5 min.
2) My third MX with subbed parts - didn't look too bad and spun better than my second MX - eaten by minivan. . . .
Just wait for Xzibit to come and pimp that ride lol..
Date: Sat, Aug 30 2008 23:49:56
It was picture day at our school and while i was getting my card to take my picture and while i wass doing tht the kid beside me was trying to do a TA with with my favorite pen mod a black and white mx^2 and while doing that he lost all three tips on it.
but then today i found some mxes tht i never use and fixed my mx^2 -
Date: Sun, Aug 31 2008 00:53:54
i never let anybody at my school touch any of my pens. but i lose pens during lunch and stuff. lost 2 bictories like that lol. im never going to take my mx^2, mx, or namae mod to school. ever.
Date: Sun, Aug 31 2008 02:48:44
I had a sweet all black (colors body) msxa with extra tips fly out of my car window once. I was spinning while driving.
I pulled over, stopped traffic to get it, but the comssa cap was broken in half, tips nowhere to be seen, and the rsvp body cracked..
And thats why my glovebox has about 20 bictories in it now -
Date: Sun, Aug 31 2008 03:04:11
I would never let my lilttle hannah get lost 8rubs pen* 0 _ 0