Genesis / Collab Idea

  1. Scott Shaputis
    Date: Wed, May 28 2008 01:08:11

    I was thinking for our next collab we should do something like this
    Everyone does a combo and whatever and stuff
    Then reverse the video and break down the reverse of it and film that
    Then when the video ends whoever went last it will play there video and stuff that way it will look like the whole video is going in reverse
    and then the video will end with the intro
    like the credits will be playing then they will start going up instead of down then everything starts to get reversed

  2. DaThroat
    Date: Wed, May 28 2008 03:54:58

    Sounds like fun. laugh.gif

  3. pholord
    Date: Wed, May 28 2008 04:07:36

    vcool.JPG idea but could get hard to do combos in reverse

  4. ChauTran
    Date: Wed, May 28 2008 11:38:14

    Yeah. Reverses are really hard. But fun.

  5. Scott Shaputis
    Date: Fri, May 30 2008 01:47:07

    yeah, it all depends how hard your combo is in the first place tongue.gif