General Discussion / Chicago Pen Spinners
looking for local pen spinners
Date: Thu, May 29 2008 09:28:36
Hey guys,
Are there any pen spinners in the Chicago area? I'll be there this weekend if anyone wants to meet up.
Since this is kinda last minute, please send me a PM with your contact info (name and phone #) in case there isn't time to discuss things here.
Kam -
Date: Thu, May 29 2008 11:39:01
How long are you going to be here? I may be able to do something on Sunday, but finals are next week, so...
But I live by Dr1v37h38u5, so maybe I could convince him into a small gathering...
Date: Thu, May 29 2008 22:27:29
I will not be there long. Arriving late Sat, leaving Monday afternoon.
I'm not planning on having a huge gathering, as I don't have that much free time. But would be cool to meet other pen spinners if anyone is free.
Kam -
Date: Fri, May 30 2008 01:08:14
Kam, you should come to Winnipeg Canada and visit me and Jamie Enns !!!!
Date: Mon, Jun 2 2008 02:21:20
I wish I could come.
But I have a busy day tomorrow.
Date: Sun, Jun 8 2008 20:32:45
God Kam I told you I lived around there, don't you remember :|
And you said you've never been there, and didn't plan on going...