PID: 1.4
Project description:
This is an area of pen spinning that is almost never used...Yet it has such potential...
Granted it's hard... But it's also something virtually unexplored.
Why? - It's a virtually unexplored area of pen spinning with huge potential.
Project leader: Mats
Contributers: blackhero, strat1227
List of topics: none.

2p1h spinning can be seperated further into simultanuous and non-simultanuous 2p1h spinning. In the first, both pens are spinning, in the other, one spins, the other is held, then the first is held, the second is spun.

At the moment, I have just one idea for a 2p1h combo (it's just two tricks that can be repeated), it's a non-simultanuous one. I shall film it once it is consistant enough to film (sometime this week).

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