General Discussion / Penspinners You Admire
Tell Us Who :)
Date: Sun, Jun 1 2008 16:17:16
As the title say who are the penspinners u admire ?
for me its : bonkura, sfsr,gumix89[awesome video at world cup],shout,nagi,ZaX,kuzu -
Date: Sun, Jun 1 2008 16:20:15
It's quite simple to find out without a thread, really. Go to someone's profile -> Scroll down to the "Other Information" section -> look at "Favourite Spinner".
Who's guitrium? No one who was in the WC?
I admire nhk, if anyone. -
Date: Sun, Jun 1 2008 17:01:51
Guitrum was NOT in the World Cup.
Wtf are you talking about? -
Date: Sun, Jun 1 2008 17:53:08
yea, i was never in the world cup, but i hope to be some day!
Date: Sun, Jun 1 2008 18:02:30
I admire Thumbskiller. I thought I was good by getting to the finals (maybe win? ooo) of ECS but this guy is just even better. Next Minwoo right there.
Date: Sun, Jun 1 2008 18:04:45
I admire one of the best. The one and only KAM!!!
Date: Sun, Jun 1 2008 18:05:34
Kam, especially Bonkura, and Eso
Date: Sun, Jun 1 2008 18:12:56
wrong guy >_> sorry editing my posts
it was Gumix89 from PPP
hmmm and @ Sfsrthat info was when someone has just registed
[now their "taste or what they like has definitely change] and put that,
people rarely update their profiles[even i didnt][ , so i guess we should keep this topic on coz its annoying to view everyone's profile -
Date: Sun, Jun 1 2008 18:13:16
Hm, I'll just go in order of my profile list xD; Stuhl,Leviathin, David Weis, Kirua, Fratleym, nhk_9
Stuhl: because of his incredible smoothness, originality, and just all around cool style.
Leviathin: because of his awesome originality, and just the way he spins so his style I guess.
David Weis: do I even have to explain? Its freaking David Weis.
Kirua: I love it when he takes tricks that people don't use often and perfects them, that and I get most of my mini combo's from him I guess you could consider him my favorite.
Fratleym: another person I tend to take tricks and linkings from, just another one of the greats.
nhk_9: he's the most recent on my list, mainly because I'm just now appreciating what he did, it is absolutely amazing. -
Date: Sun, Jun 1 2008 18:15:47
Fratleym, and Eriror. Both freakin amazing in totally different ways.
Date: Sun, Jun 1 2008 18:49:46
@ Anascrash04: wtf... I update my profile when things change, for a start I only had nhk there. Same with the other fields.
Date: Sun, Jun 1 2008 19:32:43
nhk_9 - No spinner has ever (and maybe never again will) been so far ahead of everyone else in terms of technique. His style was amazing, his spinning creative while insanely difficult and most importantly of all, his spinning was beautiful.
Zombo - I can't think of another spinner who created so many tricks, nor any spinner (perhaps with the exception of Kam) who has done so much on the admin side of pen spinning.
Erirornal K. - A great spinner, technically, the best in the world right now in my opinion and UPSB's best representative right now.
Tohlz - Mainly for his work on his website, for being an excellent technical spinner with creativity too and for documenting lots of pen spinning history.
Bonkura - Bonkura was technically superb however, even more so than this, he was most skilled in the creative aspects of spinning and he alone made some tricks (e.g. TrianglePass) popular while making perhaps the best solo videos to date.
Kam - He started UPSB V2 and Pentix/pentrix and without him, none of what we see around us today might have been here.
CrAsH - A relative newcomer to pen spinning compared to most on this list, however, he seems to have made it his goal to make pen spinning the very best it can be. The catalyst of the world tournament last year and the world cup this year, he completes the list of the spinners that I most admire. -
Date: Sun, Jun 1 2008 19:46:49
I admire Frat.. he's unique.
Tox -
Date: Sun, Jun 1 2008 19:47:29
David Weis and Le0n ^^
Date: Sun, Jun 1 2008 19:58:02
@ Sfsr, alot of people don't. Also, no one wants to go around to everyone's profile and make a list of who likes who. It's nice to have it in a thread
Maybe Fratleym... -
Date: Sun, Jun 1 2008 20:00:45
david weis, pentaegE (sp? =\ ), sfsr, and eriror
Date: Sun, Jun 1 2008 20:04:03
this is too similar to this thread:;hl=favorite