General Discussion / European Bic Penspinning Awards : The Video
release of the promotional video for the tournament.
Date: Thu, Jun 5 2008 20:55:05
As you already may know, a European Pen Spinning Tournament organised by Bic is currently running.
The French Team "Spowash" ( Scelus, Sorez, A_Qui and I ) are working with Bic on that tournament,
and we made a promotional video for them.
Here it is :
Bic Tournament Promo vid (official) and on Dailymotion
And the full edit version :
Bic Tournament Promo vid (full uncut)
If you're an inhabitant of one of the following countries :
France (Corsica included),
Portugal, U.K.,
then feel free to participate in the tournament, at .
You can send 3 videos max. of you spinning with a Bic pen until 31th of July,
and then 5 spinners will have a trip to Paris, FRANCE, to participate in the finals,
which we'll be judging with Eriror and le0n.
First prize is a trip to japan for 2 people...
Your comments and reactions are welcome. -
Date: Thu, Jun 5 2008 21:12:35
Wow, spinning that Bic must have been hard.
Date: Thu, Jun 5 2008 21:22:45
Oh yeah, I saw that before. I guess I'll film some video for it, could be fun.
Date: Thu, Jun 5 2008 22:28:59
One of the people in the video was doing a TA release, and it looks a lot like he means to catch it in 12 slot, but it lands on his arm and balances there. He got LUCKY.
Date: Thu, Jun 5 2008 22:58:02
Cool...there should be an american tournament....
Date: Sat, Jun 7 2008 10:09:01QUOTE (Missle_Z @ Jun 6 2008, 12:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>One of the people in the video was doing a TA release, and it looks a lot like he means to catch it in 12 slot, but it lands on his arm and balances there. He got LUCKY.
Yeah that's what actually happened in Scelus's combo in the video, for sure. But that would be a cool move to develop ^^. -
Date: Sat, Jun 7 2008 11:03:27
Why Poland cannot participate?
Date: Sat, Jun 7 2008 14:39:36
Good but embarrassing question...I suppose that Bic judged that the polish market wasn't "opened" enough for them to do the championship, but I don't know for sure...I'm sorry for all of you guys, you do great spinning and we would have liked to have some polish spinner(s) in final round in Paris
Date: Sun, Jun 8 2008 09:03:33
Hi all ! I hope you are fine.
QUOTE (Missle_Z @ Jun 5 2008, 05:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>One of the people in the video was doing a TA release, and it looks a lot like he means to catch it in 12 slot, but it lands on his arm and balances there. He got LUCKY.
Yeah I was lucky this time, but I think that's cool to see that into this video ^^ -
Date: Wed, Jun 11 2008 13:57:13
@Rarka : I mailed them about Poland, waiting for an answer.
@Scelus : Now you just have to master it and then nobody won't ever say it was luck ^^ C'mon, time to work your spinning again ! -
Date: Fri, Jun 13 2008 10:19:24
Thanks Skatox.
I forgot to reply to your PM - I hope we'll be able to participate in the next year -
Date: Fri, Jun 13 2008 13:24:07
looks awesome
Date: Fri, Jun 13 2008 16:08:35
This is going to be fantastic! However, i have a question. Can we use a modded pen of bic? I mean can i take some bic pens and make a mod from these or i have to use only a bic unmodded pen?
Date: Fri, Jun 13 2008 17:13:18
rules say unmodded, that what I did atleast, I removed the clip from one pen ^^ but that's hardly modding
Date: Fri, Jun 13 2008 18:24:18
The videos for the online round must be completed with unmodded pen. Well if we can't see the modification, it will pass through, but that's not very fair...Concerning the removal of your clip Icepray, if it was a BIG clip, then I can't say the video will be fine, but if that's unsignificant, well...
Spinforlife, I hope it will be fantastic, yeah -
Date: Sat, Jun 14 2008 12:02:20
I haven't posted that one yet, so it isn't important, it wasn't a big clip anywase, problem was the pen was used and it was sticking out awkwardly so I just removed it, I have yet to post 2 more videos so I can always right that wrong
And my bic effaceur is fine just the way it is so I'll use that to be safe
Date: Sun, Jun 15 2008 13:36:46
Yep sure ^^. Also don't forget oyu got until 31st of July to film and send the videos link, so don't be too hasty in filming and keep training to improve your skills with bic pens
Date: Tue, Jun 17 2008 15:29:32
I'm sorry if I'm offending the people involved, but I'm really upset with Bic. OK, so basically here is how i see it, Bic needs some new advertising and are just jumping on the bandwagon of penspinning to try and promote their products as if they're cool.
If they are having a penspinning tournament and you can only use their pens then surely you can expect that their pen is good for penspinning and thus they would be advertising their good pen and showing spinners doing good with them. But, no...they have a bad pen that wasnt designed for penspinning so to the public eye you would think oh this must be an awesome brand that makes the thumbaround so much easier because look at what these kids are doing.
What good is a tournament when you can only use their crappy pens? the quality of spinning may very well be greatly reduced because of the limitations. They spent some money on the project, but would it be too much to ask to actually spend money on a product? It seems like they are trying to get off like they care without even putting any money into making a pen designed for spinning. On some level it works for penspinning promotion, but their motive seems one sided when they are much less hosting tournament and more interested in making sure you use their brand.
I can't blame the spinners themselves because there is a trip involved so people would look forward to that, but in general i have a problem with Bic until they can prove they care more about the development of penspinning than the advertisement of their company.
Sorry if i am misguided and missing information but this is my stance, and i would guess that i am not alone in thinking this. Hopefully this is less of a corporate deal, and more of a jumping point for them to get into penspinning and really start to help us out as well. -
Date: Tue, Jun 17 2008 15:35:33
nothing wrong with using crappy pens
it could be one of the difficulties of this tournament
what would be bad is if BIC claims their pens are the best for PS
and i think if they like it they'll start making better pens for PS -
Date: Tue, Jun 17 2008 16:18:59
When a large company hosts a competition such as this, I see there is no reason to complain, but rather quite the opposite. Zombo is right, they have not suggested their pens are the best for pen spinning. They require use of a Bic pen, sure, however, it is Bic hosting the competition, so this is to be expected. Much like when any company sponsors in any other sport - The sportspersons involved will almost always be expected to use products from the sponsoring company.
Personally, I think it is a great oppurtunity for many European pen spinners and that if there were more competitions such as this held, pen spinning would have a higher profile, pen spinners would be encouraged to sharpen their skills and the best of these spinners would be able to enjoy some nice prizes. -
Date: Tue, Jun 17 2008 16:26:28
Hey actually I got a question, I was watching some new entries and saw that I'm gonna get raped if it keeps on going like this lol, I wanted to know I saw people like Cookieslover who made a sort of day session with many clips included, do you advise we do that instead, and do you take in account the editing ^^ that way I can have more combos
Date: Tue, Jun 17 2008 16:35:35QUOTE (Fresh @ Jun 17 2008, 12:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Much like when any company sponsors in any other sport - The sportspersons involved will almost always be expected to use products from the sponsoring company.
Yes I agree, but there is a difference, companies supply them with equipment specially made for the sport. Bic sponsoring a penspinning tournament is like New Balance sponsoring a basketball tournament with their running shoe. Its still a shoe, but the equipment supplied did not address the sport. -
Date: Wed, Jun 18 2008 00:19:14
I wish I was European so I could try to participate
;____; -
Date: Thu, Jun 19 2008 16:17:59QUOTE (Syrn @ Jun 17 2008, 06:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Yes I agree, but there is a difference, companies supply them with equipment specially made for the sport. Bic sponsoring a penspinning tournament is like New Balance sponsoring a basketball tournament with their running shoe. Its still a shoe, but the equipment supplied did not address the sport.
The fact is : organizing a championship is cheaper than investing in a new product line based on penspinning. I guess Bic is testing the market by their website and this tournament. If it turns to go well for them with a lot of participants, there's great chances they st
art to develop pen spinning-based products. -
Date: Fri, Oct 24 2008 10:52:12
The results of the online tournament have been released
The finalists are Badtzu, Gold Angel, Twim, Cookieslover and Pudels Kern
The final will be the 6th of November in Paris in The Showcase