General Discussion / Your Opinion On My Progress
Date: Mon, Jun 16 2008 20:31:21
I want some opinions on my progress. I've been pen spinning for 4-5 days now.
I can do the following tricks:
Thumbaround Reverse
Fingerless Thumbaround
Sonic 23-12
Sonic 34-12
Sonic 34-23 (extremely unconistant. That results in my sonic rise be very unconsistant)
Sonic Rise (As said before,"very unconsistant.")
Reverse Sonic
Inverse Sonic 23-12
Figure Eight
Figure Eight Reverse
Extended Infinity
Double Extended Infinity
Fingerpass -
Date: Mon, Jun 16 2008 20:37:14
very good
keep spinning -
Date: Mon, Jun 16 2008 20:46:28
You seem to like sonics. Try learning some other variations like twisted or warped or inverse or something.
Date: Mon, Jun 16 2008 20:53:09
I moved the original thread to the Introductions area. You have more replies there.