Approved Tutorials / [Tutorial]Comssa Evolution

Create by : jedimage

  1. jedimage
    Date: Tue, Jul 22 2008 09:13:32

    I'm Jedimage from Thaispinner. I'm sorry if I use the wrong grammar or vocabulary. and sorry if the pen is repeat.

    Pen need

    - Mini RSVP or RSVP Cap
    - Anyball-Profile Grip
    - Hybrid gel grip Tip
    - Comssa with Up to you [but This use Comssa unfigure]

    Other need
    - some tape
    - scissors

    Solution 1. pick up tape wind around the cap Comssa and put cap RSVP in cap Comssa

    Solution 2. to put tip HGG in cap Comssa and add grip Anyball-Profile in cap Comssa

    Complete !!!!!!

    or >>> <<<

    long : about 22.7cm
    weight : Comssa < Comssa MX < RSVP MX
    Cog =/= Cop

  2. BlacknWhite
    Date: Tue, Jul 22 2008 09:17:05

    Nice mod!!! It looks simple yet appealing to spin. Great job.. But i think getting the pens would be a problem so i rather prefer a comssa metallic.

  3. k2thez
    Date: Tue, Jul 22 2008 14:52:48

    The pen looks pretty good, it looks back heavy though. The name Comssa MX has been used over and over again so it might need a different name.

  4. writenamehere
    Date: Tue, Jul 22 2008 15:18:18

    Its like a hybrid comssa mx, except the hcmx is made without a comssa cap on both sides (On the back there is just an rsvp cap)
    My only problem is that it is probably pretty back heavy because the back has an rsvp cap ad a comssa cap. This could be solved b signo tipping the front , I guess
    Cool mod though clap.gif

  5. iMatt
    Date: Tue, Jul 22 2008 17:44:25

    the only thing I suggest is a name change.

    But besides that, I've made this a long time ago just messing around with stuff, it was a bit too long for my tastes. But nice job on the tutorial

  6. Look Into the Sun
    Date: Tue, Jul 22 2008 21:05:02

    It's a good mod for people with big hands (like me). I've also made it while experimenting a bit. Nice of you to post a tut though. I signo-tipped mine for balance though. Good momentum.

  7. Tone
    Date: Wed, Jul 23 2008 01:13:38

    This easy to make
    Good tutorial!

  8. Mr.Squekers
    Date: Wed, Jul 23 2008 18:25:35

    Very nice i like it might try it out

    Very nice i like it might try it out

  9. slade13
    Date: Fri, Jul 25 2008 10:56:01

    Its nice, but the pic in blacknwhite doesnt makes it appealing to the eye.

  10. uniifirex
    Date: Sat, Jul 26 2008 20:55:22

    Just made it into a MP :] thumb.gif

  11. wulthuz
    Date: Tue, Jul 29 2008 16:31:51

    good job clap.gif

    it's cool I prefer the single cap

  12. benjamin0s
    Date: Fri, Aug 1 2008 05:27:38

    i thought this up a long time ago and thought it was too long.
    Well, if you guys like it then yay. I'll stick to mah awesome new Comprecise.