Pen Spinning Relations / [topic][4.1.3] Teaching The Sonic
Date: Fri, Jun 15 2007 19:09:54
Contributors: Strat1227, Zombo, Mwahaha91
Abstract: To determine the best way to teach the Sonic.
Method #1
* I tell them to bend their middle finger and have them move the pen up and then straighten the middle finger so it is now under the pen.
Then I teach them charge 23 if necessary, (most guys can do it) then I tell them to get in the start position, apply slight pressure to all 3 fingers, and at the thumb release, fold the middle finger as fast as they can. ~30% get it on their first try like that. ~90% get it within 25.
The easy thing about teaching this move is there is no catch. It comes naturally so once they get the spin down, the catch is automatic.
Method #2
* The first thing I do is always to take the pen away from their hand, learn how to properly bend their fingers.
I always ask them to bend the middle finger down and try and touch the ring and index fingers together behind. 99.9% of the people just CANNOT do this on their first try, yet this is easily done by everyone who mastered the sonic.
Once they understand how their fingers are supposed to bend, give them a highlighter and work on bending the middle finger while ring and index fingers hold the hightlighter. This should be easier to do, then just go from there.
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