Major Collaborations / Tribute To Bonkura II

  1. Ephem
    Date: Sun, Sep 23 2007 17:03:11

    Use all his videos....
    Copy his combos...
    Use his pens....

    Tribute to Bonkura II

    We shall

  2. Picool
    Date: Sun, Sep 23 2007 18:41:47

    Your thread was locked on fpsb so accept it....

    The best tribute is that :

    And a tribute with only his combos and not fucking spinners who don't have 1% of the Bonkura's talent. You don't change Ephem, you are lucky because you will receive ucpsb bic and romain don't ban you on fpsb because of it.

  3. Health
    Date: Sun, Sep 23 2007 18:44:41

    I also oppose to a "Everyone use his pens and copy his combo's" collab...

    Just add a section at the end of the next big collab saying "In memory of..."