General Discussion / My brother penspinning
this is crazyyy
Date: Tue, Sep 25 2007 00:24:44
My brother just turned 6 a few weeks ago(right around when i started penspinning) and of course me being the big brother he wants to do everything i do. So he tried penspinning and i showed him the thumbaround. He can now do it after about 2 days.
Date: Tue, Sep 25 2007 08:14:38
Yeah, so can Giovanni!!!
Back Story: I saw this video like a few months ago (I was searching thumspins) with this guy that did 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0 and then it was like, this is my brother Giovanni, he can do thumbaround after 2 DAYS OF PENS!!!!. The music was Great Escape by Gwen Stefani.
I'll edit with the vidifwhen I find it.
EDIT: Found it (somehow) here
Well he was actually 9 but same dealio and that 7.0 was a bit dodgy. -
Date: Tue, Sep 25 2007 11:04:46
Lol, all of those were ThumbIndexSpins
Date: Tue, Sep 25 2007 13:13:51
Nice. Keep training him then
He might be really good at the age of 10