Hand Care / Clapping

  1. EssenceOfLife
    Date: Sun, Jan 10 2010 22:16:27

    Try clapping VERY hard a few times so that it "hurts"

    Don't your hands feel soft and warm after? now try spinning! =D idk if it's just me but this seems like a very fast way to warm up your hands and helps you're spinning = \.

  2. CaptainGolfBall
    Date: Sun, Jan 10 2010 22:19:10

    it kinda works i guess. but then again usually I am automatically warm by the time i start spinning.

    My body is on AUTO-WARM tongue.gif

  3. pheonix
    Date: Tue, Jan 12 2010 00:18:13

    ummm it kinda works but my hands are throbbing =P

  4. L2PlayNoob
    Date: Sun, Jan 17 2010 00:35:19

    This is no help in school during first period lololol

    Don't try it, just trust me >.>

  5. EssenceOfLife
    Date: Sun, Jan 17 2010 00:41:27

    You're not supposed to do it awkwardly so people look at you strange and you have to explain what you're doing and come off as a weird persone veryone in your class wants to avoid dry.gif. I was thinkign more of before you went to go film a combo at home... by yourself... lol

  6. Kirby
    Date: Sun, Jan 17 2010 21:17:13

    I have this "super clap" and its really loud like 5 to 10 times louder then normal clap. you have to clap hard and trap the air the right way.

    After I do about 10 super claps hands are ready to spin

  7. Ktk
    Date: Mon, Jan 18 2010 20:22:50

    You could also.. rub your hands together?

  8. Deutherius
    Date: Mon, Jan 18 2010 20:40:47

    Or you can do this lol

  9. TeddyBear
    Date: Tue, Jan 19 2010 02:33:14

    That's just insane. Why would you practice clapping for that long? You don't need to clap that long to warm up.
    My hands would probably die. I would never practice until I could clap 12 times per second.

  10. Zombo
    Date: Tue, Jan 19 2010 04:34:25

    stay on topic

    i suppose clapping could be considered manipulation

    but this thread here is about clapping for warm-up

  11. Mats
    Date: Tue, Jan 19 2010 14:37:02

    Sounds more like hand harm than hand care?

  12. Nation
    Date: Tue, Jan 19 2010 22:22:01

    meh, not really, just clap your hands really hard like 3-4 times, and it warms and softens my hands.