Hand Care / Wash Your Hands Before You Spin
or atleast before you film
Date: Sun, Apr 27 2008 04:12:01
Ive noticed that after i have washed or soaked my hands and then dried them, my hands have more grip on the pen. It acctually helped me film my video for the odd location collab
try this and talk about it or maybe if you have already figuered this out, talk about it anyways -
Date: Sun, Apr 27 2008 04:27:26
yeahh, i think i've mentioned this already before in the like...wet hands thread or something
Date: Sun, Apr 27 2008 05:37:32
Date: Sun, Apr 27 2008 08:49:57
after I wash my hands they get "grippy" for a minute or two, which btw is gets in the yway when trying to do stuff like shadow, and after a few minutes my hand gets super slippery, and I almost can spin =\ I just put hand cream after I wash my hands (if I need) or after a shower...
Date: Sun, Apr 27 2008 13:41:29
Depends on what temperature water it is, I think.
-Cold -> slippery
-Warm -> grippy-ish.
I think there was already another thread about this somewhere