Hand Care / Writing Position
Date: Sun, Aug 10 2008 05:30:35
I was wondering, would a person's writing position affect on how he/she spins a pen or a pencil?
Some people holds the pen finger 2 and 3 when writing while others are just grasping the pen with their hand. -
Date: Sun, Aug 10 2008 06:00:10
I think the only way it would effect anyone's spinning were to be if they were reading or watching a tutorial for something like Bak or Infinity, where most people would instruct you to hold the pen in writing position. But most tutorials are videos, so it doesn't matter because they're shown how to hold it anyway, it just might confuse people who hold their pen in a different way than most.
Date: Mon, Aug 11 2008 18:48:05
I think that it would not affect the way you spin because in pen spinning, there's many type of "positions" the hand has to be in in order to execute tricks. Since we have to learn to get used to these positions, writing in finger 2 3 or not, we will still learn to perform tricks in that way.
I hope i'm making sense -
Date: Thu, Aug 14 2008 12:38:01
If you're used to writing, then obviously not.